The New Berlin Police Department is committed to working in partnership with the public as a community oriented police service.
We will serve and protect the community in a sensitive, efficient and effective manner.
We believe in providing an effective and efficient level of service that the community can rely on.
We believe all people are entitled to fair and equitable treatment in their day-to-day dealings with the police.

Chief of Police
Joshua Dreisbach
email: [email protected]
Police Officers
Martez Faulkner, Patrolman
George Geise, Patrolman
Daniel Baumwoll, Patrolman
Zachary Mosso, Patrolman
Police Administration
Phone: 570-966-1735
Alt: 570-966-4705
Fax: 1-844-402-9811
Department email
[email protected]
Non Emergency
Police Dispatch:
(570) 523-1113